8 Truths That Have Penetrated Because of Kids

I’ve learned more about God’s love for His children from my two sons than from anything else I have experienced in my life! 

Here is what I have learned: (a lot of these are what I have learned from my oldest, because he is 2 going on 3 and Landon is 10 months:)).

1. Grace comes easy to God. I’ve already forgiven Dayton before he says sorry. 

2. God’s discipline is done in love. I can honestly say there is only one time that I disciplined Dayton in anger, otherwise my discipline has genuinely come from a loving place.

3. God’s discipline helps me grow as an individual.  Christina and I have seen changes in our son in the positive through discipline.

4.God is obsessed with saving me/humanity (His children). I know this because lately the greatest thing on my mind and in my prayers is, “please Jesus help me to raise my boys to love You!” I am desirous above all other things that my children will be in the Kingdom of Heaven with their Creator & Savior.

5. God’s love is limitless.  I love fully both my boys and I want more children because although I never knew before I could love this much, I know that no matter how many children I have I will still have enough love to give.

6. God sees His children as beautiful.  I am sure my kids aren’t the most beautiful kids that exist in the world (though pretty close:)), but to me I see the handsomest young boys ever created.

7. God’s love is not influenced by my actions.  Landon cried for almost 2 hours straight the other night…never once did my love waver!

8. Jesus would have died even if it was for just me and no one else. I would lay down my life in a heartbeat for either one of my boys.

Thank you God for helping me to know more about you through my two sons, so that I may love you more in my life!

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