A mixed bag of a day!

So today was a mixed bag…there was one really awesome thing…I am in a coaching network for the next 6 or so months and today I attended my first session and learned a TON!  Otherwise the day was kinda rough…

Since I had to drive all the way to the Milpitas I was up a little before 5 a.m., as was Christina since she is a crazy light sleeper and actually the one that came around to my side of the bed to turn off my alarm :). The best thing would have been for us to be able to get up and get ready quietly and peacefully, but well before they were supposed to be up both boys were up and ready to vie for our attention.

Then I drove 3+ hours to the Coaching Network.  Again I learned a ton and had a great time. But my stomach hurt most the day and the only pizza they ordered was covered in meat, guess I forgot to tell them I am a vegetarian.

On the way home I got stuck in some traffic. And while in traffic suddenly had to go to the bathroom very badly!  That was rough!

Driving home I listened to the Mavericks vs Heat game. I am not a Heat fan at all yet I lost the signal when the Heat were up 15…I was bothered that I had listened to that whole game and then the Heat were just going to blow them out.  Oops…I guess after my signal died the Mavs went on a crazy run and won the game, of course I missed it…my trip home took about 4 or so hours.

Oh and I forgot to mention probably the most frustrating thing of the day…while I was standing in the shower trying to wake-up…the water running over my head, reminded me of the water running into our pool…

Yep, I had decided the evening before to add a little water to our pool…only problem is I never turned off the hose…so our backyard was flooded, that is a nice waste of water and going to be a pretty bill.

I guess today was just an average day…mixed…full of some frustrating things and some highlights…

But as I get ready for bed…the day becomes great because I am thinking of four things:

1. God loves me and has forgiven my sins

2. My wife is healthy and happy

3. My two 1/2 year old looks like an angel while he sleeps

4. My 9 almost 10 month old was just crying and self soothed himself back to sleep without us having to go back in there

Those four individuals really make up the primary good in my life and so every day ends well because I am with them:

God, Christina, Dayton, & Landon.

May tomorrow be just as blessed!

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