Blogging the Bible Day 12: Job 3 & 4

Today’s post is actually an anonymous guest post. My friend who has been battling physical sickness at a level that is beyond my comprehension for the last 2 1/2 to 3 years sent me the message you’ll read below based on their reading of today’s passage. I chose to share it with you because to me it reveals the beauty of the Bible. The passages of Job 3 & 4 which may be discouraging to many, maybe even distressing give some going through struggles like Job HOPE! Yes today’s passage believe it or not can be a message of HOPE. Read the following and see what I mean:

“It’s funny that today’s reading was Job 3. Yesterday I had one of those days where I feel really discouraged. And I see it when I read Job, he’s just so tired, he doesn’t want to deal anymore and wonders why he’s there, what the point is, probably feels like he’s accomplishing nothing (we don’t know how long he was going through this, do we?), probably wonders if he’ll ever feel better. So we see Job having “one of those days” too. When I have those moments, I feel guilty like I should be stronger all the time, I don’t want anyone to know about how much I am struggling.  This passage is a reminder to me that when that happens (when I have a bad day and wonder how much more of this I can take), I don’t have to feel bad about those feelings! And then chapter 4 reminds me of how blessed I am by the friends and family I have who love me and offer support and prayers all the time. And when I come across those friends who tell me I’m sick because of my sins, I can remember Job and realize I’m in good company :)”

What I believe in my heart and what I find so beautiful is that when God inspired a passage like Job 3 & 4, a passage I don’t really understand and I wonder what is the point of this text in the scriptures, it’s okay that I don’t understand it because God didn’t inspire it for me in my present situation. He inspired it for my friend and others in similar situations. That is the beauty of the scriptures, there is a word of HOPE for everyone in every situation!

Tomorrow’s Reading: Isaiah 7-11

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