Blogging the Bible Day 51: Genesis 28-31

I love the book of Genesis the stories are so rich and insightful into so many areas, human nature, the effects of sin, theology, doctrine, personal relationships, etc..

Today two points that I was struck by

In Genesis 28:10-22 the story of Jacob’s Ladder dream is relayed to us the readers, in this dream God promises to bless Jacob and to be with him always. Jacob then in response to this promise worships God and notice one aspect of this worship,

“This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.” -Genesis 28:22

A TITHE. Jacob when he had nothing in his worship committed to God a tithe. Before there was a “tithe” system. Tithe was already an outflow of the expression of a worshipful heart. When we are truly worshiping we will be compelled to RETURN back to God in response to all His blessings.

The second thought that struck me is based on this verse,

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days because of his love for her.” -Genesis 29: 20

Let no one tell you “love is not emotion it is only a choice.” Yes there are days we must choose to love even when we don’t want to, but a God that would inspire the above verse in scripture, is a romantic that has a love that is more than just choice it is very emotional too.

And here is my tangent to that thought, there are times in our corporate worship when it is okay that the driving aspect of the relationship in that moment is emotion! People need to not just know at times in worship they also need to FEEL something in worship!

I love the book of Genesis! I pray it is blessing you as well.

Talk with y’all tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s Reading: Judges 12-16

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