Blogging the Bible Day 72: Genesis 40-43

There is always an excitement when I read a text and for the first time it hits me as significant. Today that happened,

“When Joseph came to them in the morning and observed them, behold, they were dejected.” Gen. 40:6

What a leader! He was so perceptive that he noticed and cared about the change of countenance in prisoners he was overseeing. I want to be that type of leader.

Now onto the main theme that caught my attention in today’s reading…

Patience that the Lord will work, even if there is delay.

When Joseph interpreted the dreams of the cupbearer and the baker, he said to the cupbearer, “don’t forget me down here. I want out of this house (jail).”

The cupbearer didn’t remember for 2 years.

When Joseph came to power the Bible takes special to care to tell us that Joseph is 30 years old. That caught my attention because the last time the Bible mentioned Joseph’s age was when he was telling his brothers his dreams and they were selling him into slavery…he was 17.

For 13 years Joseph was in bondage. 13 years of suffering. Before one day he is called to shave, put on clean clothes, and stand before Pharaoh and in an instance his life is forever changed.

At least seven years later, but more likely 8 years later his brothers are bending their knee before him just like he dreamed more than 20 years before.

God’s care and word are sure…but sometimes we must have patience for Him to reveal to us His will, His plan, and even His ultimate deliverance from a situation…and when I say wait I don’t mean a week or two…or even a month…most of us are only willing to be patient with God about that much time…

But Joseph shows us that our waiting on the Lord may be years, decades even!

Lord may I trust You and wait on You in all areas of my life even if it means I wait without understanding for years.

Lord help me to patiently wait!

Tomorrow’s Reading: We start a new book, 1 Samuel 1-5

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