Blogging the Bible Day 86: Genesis 48-50

We’ve come to the end of the wonderful book of Genesis. One of my favorite books in all of the Old Testament. All the great themes of love and redemption are found in this book along with many of the great struggles that we would see and do see repeat themselves in the history of humanity.

In this reading today two things really caught my attention:

The reaction of Joseph’s brothers after their father’s death. Joseph had long ago forgiven them, he had already shared with them that he believed God used their wrong to actually save lives, yet they still feared he would hold revenge against them. Their fear and misunderstanding of his character so hurt Joseph the Bible tells us,

“And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.” Genesis 50:17b

Joseph though did not get angry, he told them to not be afraid and “he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.” (50:21b)

I see in this a type of Christ. How many misunderstand the character of God and through Christ we see in fact the true character of love and forgiveness. Also just as we put Jesus on the cross with our sins, God used this act to save many lives…all that will accept the gift. Joseph is a pre-cursor to just such a truth,

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” -Gen. 50:20

The second thing that stuck-out to me in my reading was what Joseph asked of his family just prior to his death,

“Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, “God will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my bones up from here.” -Gen. 50:25

No matter what success Joseph had in Israel which was just about the most human success a person could have. Joseph never forgot where his true home was. May we no matter our blessings and successes on this earth, never forget where our true home is…not this wicked world!

Tomorrow’s Reading: 1 Samuel 11-15


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