Hold Me Accountable: Blogging Through The Bible

Do you want more joy & faith in 2016? Would you like to make better decisions in your professional, family, and private life in 2016 than you did in 2015? Would you like to know there is ONE thing the devil can never take away from you? All of these are reasons to daily spend time reading the Bible in 2016.

This is the message I shared with my the Spencerville Church family this past Sabbath (Saturday December 26th, 2015). You can listen to that sermon here when it posts in a couple days or watch it here again in a couple days.

At the conclusion of my sermon I challenged our congregation to read through the entire Bible with me in 2016. I admitted to my church family that I need accountability on this journey. That accountability is going to come in the form of this blog. Every day I will be blogging through the reading from scripture I have done for that day. I invited members and now I invite you that are reading this and would like to join myself and the Spencerville Church on this journey, to feel at liberty to harass me if I miss a day.

The reading plan I will be following is not a straight line from Genesis to Revelation. I have done that in the past and wanted a new look at things, so I will be using this plan. What I like about this plan is that I will be in a different genre of scripture every day, with Sabbath being a day spent in the Gospels, which seems very appropriate!

If you’d like to join me I’d encourage you to start with the same plan.

Please pray for me as I go on this journey and let me know if you’re joining us and I’ll pray for you as well.

Look for the first post on Romans 1 & 2 this Friday morning January 1st.

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