The Ark, Completely Unpredictable

Sabbath afternoon our church plant/second campus is officially LAUNCHING! That means beginning on a weekly basis (we’ve been having preview services). 

I’m nervous, not in an ego, what if it fails or it must succeed, kind of way. Nervous in that this is a God thing, and God things are completely unpredictable and beyond our control.

We’re going against traditional church planting logic: “start with a series about a felt need” like family stuff or finances…nope we’re launching with prophecy, yep a prophecy series, why? That is what God showed me to do…not what I probably would have chosen, but God things are unpredictable.

I’ve been told by the head of the church planting coaching network, that he has never seen a church plant really thrive and explode exponentially that isn’t meeting Sunday mornings, (“because even non-Christians understand that church is on Sunday morning. I just don’t think it can work.”) We’re meeting Saturday afternoons, also known as The Sabbath, at 4:30 p.m.. God things are unpredictable.

I have no idea what we are going to do for music after this Sabbath. We have Josh and Jackie Cunningham this Sabbath…but beyond that…God things are unpredictable!

I’m excited, because God things are unpredictable! 

Please be on your knees for The Ark Church

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