Blogging the Bible Day 69: Isaiah 51-55

I apologize this should have posted yesterday. Since it did not you will receive two posts today. One early and one later today.

I very much appreciated all 5 chapters from the book of Isaiah today. There are nuggets of beauty that can be taken from each chapter, like chapter 55 that holds one of my all time favorite life promises,

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return there without watering the earth
And making it bear and sprout,
And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
11 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” -Isaiah 55:10, 11

What a tremendous promise for those who are called to be witnesses and to share the good news of Jesus with others.

But in today’s post I want to focus on Isaiah chapter 53.

This is one of the most beautiful, complete, thorough prophecies about the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Read it through and see several of the characteristics of Jesus.

Humble in looks and comportment. While I am sure there were happy times Jesus was carrying sorrow for humanity as He looked around. Think about yourself when you see some of the wicked in the world, how much your heart aches, now imagine being the Creator and perfect and then seeing the decaying of society, the world, and your prize possession your people…you and I would have sorrows and grief also.

But in Isaiah 53 the great theme that jumps out at me is that Jesus died for us and because of our mistakes.

This theme jumps out in the following verses: 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, and 12.

Out of 12 verses 6 of them have reference to Jesus dying for you and for me.

Jesus was many things, He is many things for you and me but the greatest of all is Savior!

Next Reading: Matthew 26-28

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