Outside the Pulpits Top 13 Lists of 2013

As I do every year I share with y’all some Top lists of the past year (this year it will be top 13). First of all I want to thank the more than 9300 people that visit this blog. I hope you will return to read it again in 2014. To my regular readers I thank y’all for sticking with me even though I break the rules of blogging, by blogging so sporadically. Some months you’ll get three or four posts other months, I know, you’ll get none. I’m sorry I will try and do better in 2014.

Here is some info that may interest you about this blog (at the bottom if you would just prefer to skip to it are my 13 most read blogs in 2013).

Top Thirteen Countries:

  1. United States of America: I know shocking!
  2. Australia: was third last year behind Canada, but jumped them this year…I have my cousins to thank for this and don’t worry Kirsten, I’m still going to write about “O Shirts” at some point.
  3. Canada
  4. United Kingdom
  5. South Africa
  6. Philippines: Still praying for this country as they recover from tragedy!
  7. Germany
  8. New Zealand: Welcome to the list
  9. Jamaica
  10. Trinidad & Tobago: another new comer
  11. Norway
  12. Kenya: I wonder if any of the folk I preached to in Rirutu are part of this group of readers?
  13. India

Top 13 States in the United States. Once again this blog was read by at least 3 people (Rhode Island was 3) in every single state & the District of Columbia this year:

  1. California: Thank you home state!
  2. Texas: They jumped from 5th to 2nd, probably because of my friend Albert Handal (and his baby The Faster Pastor) who resides in TX.
  3. Georgia
  4. Michigan
  5. Tennessee
  6. Washington
  7. Florida: Home to a lot of Adventists! 🙂
  8. Arizona
  9. Oregon
  10. New York
  11. Illinois
  12. Ohio: So glad to see my favorite state got back into the “tops” list!
  13. North Carolina

My states are basically the same from last year, a little different order but the same group of states, we’ll see if a new state becomes a big reader in 2014.

Top 13 Cities: In 2012 this blog was read in 2055 cities in 2013 that numbers was eclipsed as it was read in 2458 cities around the world:

  1. Visalia: staying strong at number 1
  2. San Francisco: also holding their number 2 spot
  3. Arlington: A completely new city to our list
  4. Prescott
  5. New York
  6. Fresno
  7. Sydney: Our first non-USA city.
  8. Calhoun: the location of my first pastorate holding steady.
  9. Brisbane: Our second Aussie city.
  10. Los Angeles
  11. College dale
  12. Portland, OR
  13. Chattanooga

Falling out of the top list this year from the cities: Melbourne, Berrien Springs, & Chicago.

Now for the Top 13 Blog Posts of 2013 (though they weren’t all written in 2013 they are the most read in 2013):

  1.  Faster Pastor Episode #7: “Is Christmas Compatible with Christ?”: David Asscherick predicted this Faster Pastor would get well over 1000 views and he was absolutely correct! Not only was he correct this post also overtook “In Defense of Ted” as my all time leading blog post.
  2. Elder Ted Wilson: Unwilling to Sit On the Sidelines
  3. The Four Most Important Evangelists in The Adventist Church
  4. Dr. Ben Carson at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast
  5. A Response to Elder Stephen Bohr’s “Reflections on Deborah & Huldah”: probably my personal favorite from this year.
  6. Faster Pastor Episode #6: Does “A” Always Lead to “B”
  7. Sorrows & Grief: Another favorite about heartbreak in my life and future heartbreak for my boys.
  8. The Superiority of Adventist Education: Wow! This post has a never ending life span. I wrote it back in 2011 and it has been in the tops list every year since! I guess there are still a lot of folk out there that are passionate about (one way or the other) Adventist Education.
  9. That Vibrating Demon
  10. I Used to Not Believe In Prayer
  11. Our Growth Part 1: This is actually part of a three part series on the growth we’ve had at The Visalia Seventh-day Adventist Church, but only part 1 made it into this “tops” list. But I’d encourage you to read part 2 & part 3 as well.
  12. OH My Landon Boy!: A post on my middle son’s third birthday.
  13. They Hear Your Words, But They Do Not Put Them Into Practice

So there are the top 13 reads for 2013. If you missed any of them I hope you will take the time now, or come back later and enjoy these posts. Blessings to you my readers in 2014 thanks for continuing the journey outside the pulpit with me!

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