Speiro Still Moving Forward

We are still in the process of moving forward with this ministry. The vision God has laid upon our hearts to scatter seeds far and wide in preparation of God’s great harvest is still alive and well! It is our desire to have the capability to record and broadcast long (sermons) & short (devotional style thoughts) by the end of 2013. The fund raising process has been slow, but we continue on in faith. To those of you that have given thank you, thank you, thank you! To those of you that will give, thank you in advance! And to all those that are praying, please don’t stop! We need them more than ever now! Please watch our original video clip again and if you are able partner with us in this journey! Also, head on over to our Facebook page and “like” us there. If you have friends that would be interested in supporting this ministry please share this blog with them as well. Thank you so much for your support as we continue to seek to do God’s will for the glory of His Kingdom! P.S. we are now an official 501(c)(3) the “pending” part is gone. So all donations are tax deductible. P.P.S. We will be working on some video content the 16th of September, please keep us in your prayers!

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