Posts Tagged: Andrews Study Bible

The Andrews Study Bible

I recently received a new Andrews Study Bible. I actually have owned one for some time, but recently the Pacific Union Conference along with the assistance of some other generous donors provided the Andrews Study Bible w/ the Premium Leather cover to all the pastors in the Pacific Union (the one I purchased for myself is a bonded leather cover). I decided this would be the Bible that I am going to read out of and study out of for the next year at least.

I am excited about this…Why?

Well I have never read through the New King James Version of the Bible. In fact I kinda avoided doing much with the NKJV because I found it difficult to read, well for the past 2 plus months I have been preaching from the NKJV, and suddenly the reading of the New King James doesn’t seem so awkward to me. So now that I am comfortable with this version I am looking forward to reading through it.

I am also excited b/c I am looking forward to reading some of the study notes provided in this Bible. You see I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and the study notes in this Bible are written by Adventist scholars (9 of them that were professors of mine in either undergrad or graduate studies). I am not one that is typically a fan of study notes, in major part b/c I worry that they can cause folk to become lazy Bible students, but I recognize study Bibles are popular and here to stay and so if I am going to read a study Bible myself or if I am going to recommend a study Bible to folk, the one I want folk to read is the Andrews Study Bible!

I think the feature I like the most in this Bible is the themed reference section. It is like a Bible Marking done right in the Bible already.  Quick and easy for a person if they are doing a Bible study on a specific topic with someone!

I would recommend to ALL that they purchase the Andrews Study Bible, or just get baptized at our church we’ll give you an engraved one for free!

Oh and even though I am quite comfortable now with the NKJV, I look forward to when Andrews releases an edition in the New International Version!

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