Posts Tagged: Marketing

A Little Marketing for Pacific Press!

So a few weeks ago I had a little rant against Adventists dropping the ball on some modern technology. Well, I am not taking that rant back, but I do want to promote a site that is trying to use the tools that are available to us to reach people and grow people in Jesus.

The site is: Adventist eBooks this site is from the Pacific Press Publishing Association. I mentioned it my RANT but I wanted to promote it again because as Doug Church, VP of Sales & Marketing stated so accurately,

“It is difficult to overstate the difficulty of “marketing to the Adventist Church.”

So let’s help this ministry out and market it! Go visit Adventist ebooks and then repost this blog post somewhere or share it on your twitter, Facebook, or Google+ page and we can help Pacific Press get the word out that we are moving into the 21st Century.

I already bought a book from them, “A God Named Desire” by Ty Gibson

Oh and for those of you that do read Kindle or Nook & also study the Sabbath School Quarterly you can also get the S.S. Quarterly each quarter in e-Format


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