Posts Tagged: Grow my blog

I Need Your Social Media​

Greetings faithful readers and new readers.

I made a choice two years ago to leave the Facebook world, you can read about that here

A little over a year ago I left Twitter.

And this past February I left Instagram, you can read about that here

Unfortunately no longer being on any social media platforms has hurt the traffic on this blog now that I have returned to writing.

Now maybe this is wanting my cake (having the advertisement of social media) and eating it too (being off of social media), but I would like to ask you the reader, if you read something on this blog that you think would be helpful, interesting, encouraging, challenging to others will you please click on the buttons to the left and share these posts in your social media environs.

I would also like to encourage you to subscribe to this blog at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your help.

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