Posts Tagged: Running

I Can’t Believe I’m Going To Do This Again

“Am I really going to do this?” was the question that swished through my mind as I read an email last week informing me I’d won the lottery. Not the lottery that gives you money, but the lottery to run the 2017 New York City Marathon.

I’ll back-up, in November of 2016 I caught a ride up to New York City slept in a church office…

Faster Pastor Episode #6: Making Goals for 2013

An Episode about goals, specifically running goals, with a few added thoughts sprinkled throughout. For this episode, Albert, David, & I welcome Pastor Javier Diaz. Hope you’ll watch and stay tuned for the surprise shot Albert lays on Chad at the end of the episode 🙂

October’s Top Posts:

Here are the top ten for the month of October. If you haven’t read/watched have a look now. Be blessed and share with a friend!

  1. Faster Pastor Episode #2 Unity in Diversity with a full month to run and the little pick-up from the blogs Spectrum & Advindicate moves up from #4 to #1.
  2. The Ordained Women Pastors of China made me cry both times I watched it!
  3. Daily Disappointment a little piece I wrote as I reflected on the great disappointment of 1844
  4. Pastor Dwight Nelson’s Sermon “A Mighty Throng of Women: A Second Look at Male Headship” our third video is #4 this month.
  5. Donkeys, Elephants, & a Lesson Learned at Chick-Fil-A last months top post remained in the top ten this month.
  6. What U2, Bon Jovi, & AC/DC Teach Us About Church I wrote this blog more than a year ago, but my readership was much less then and so I reposted it this month & I guess enough folk hadn’t read it so it made it back into my top 10.
  7. Introducing Speiro Media Ministries thankful for the many that have supported this endeavor and praying many more will jump in!
  8. I Love Dayton one of my favorite blogs I have ever written. Probaly because of the deep nostalgia associated with this city and great love I have for Ohio/the people of Ohio and all they did for me in my life!
  9. Faster Pastor Episode #3: Training Journal Apps. This one is all about running.
  10. The Pink Slip another blog I wrote almost 2 years ago that I re-released brings up the tail of the top 10 posts for the month of October.

Faster Pastor: Episode #3 “Training Journal Apps”

All about running!

Faster Pastor: Episode #1: God’s Providence & Training Smart

Albert Handal, David Asscherick, & Chad Stuart

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